Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanomaterial Coated Cotton Fabric as a Heating Device and a Method Thereof

IPTeL Tracking ID: MPS-IAP-2016-071

Researchers from Indian Institute of Science have fabricated reduced graphene oxide nanosheets coated on cotton cloth based films which can be used as thermal body warmers.


Bodywarmers are used to combat cold weather conditions and in military jackets for soldiers. They are also finding use in biomedical field including electrotherapy treatments and medical jackets for patients. Currently available materials suffer from the drawbacks of heavy weight, rigidity, opacity and low heating efficiency.


The invention relates to a low cost fabrication of graphene nanosheets as heating elements for wearable thermal warmers. This technology reduces the overall size of the device and hence requires minimal packaging. It also possesses corrosion free heating device, flexible in terms of bendability and requires minimum energy consumption.


IISc has filed an international patent application for this invention. We are seeking for a commercial partner for licensing, collaboration and development of this technology.